Launching our 4th clinic this year!
We are thrilled to share that AsOne opened its 4th clinic in 2023—which makes for a total of 5 clinics overall! This is a key part of our 2025 vision, to replicate our community-based model across 5 different locations in Uganda.
Over the past year, the Ugandan team made steady progress on the construction of all four new clinics.
Over 250 people attended the Grand Opening celebration of our Idudi clinic, including the District Health Officer, Head of the District, local councilors, and the town mayor.
The opening of our Mayuge clinic saw 500 people in attendance! Patients literally lined the halls for day one of operations, where we were able to serve 76 pateitns.
In Rwanyabihuka, 350+ community members attended the opening event. Rwanyabihuka is our second fully-developed Ugandan community, meaning we have a health center, farm, school, and 2 businesses in operation.
Our fourth clinic to open in 2023 is in Kaberamaido—over 400 people attended the opening. We’re excited to see how these Ugandan-led health centers can serve their communities!