2022: A Year of Transformation
Seven years in and we are more committed than ever to the people & communities we serve in Uganda.
In 2022, your impact has grown to five communities through 125 employees in Uganda.
Over $1.2MM invested in capital development expansion.
$200k in local Uganda revenue generated.
Together, we're building towards sustainability and you are are impacting tens of thousands of lives across Uganda.
“I love AsOne because of how Jesus is using it in our communities. Families are seeing their kids love school, our standard of living is increasing, and hope is on the rise.”
In 2022, the transformation has been real.
850+ students educated across four schools
293,700 units of bread produced at the Namayemba Bakery
9,180 customers served at the AsOne Salon.
3,012+ patients served at the Namayemba Health Center
10,660 farmers trained in Namayemba & Rwanyabihuka
1,525 home visits conducted by social worker teams
13 buildings constructed at 4 school campuses
A new tailoring & carpentry production facilities launched in Rwanyabihuka
Four new Health Center facilities constructed
Currently hiring 42 new employees for the four new Health Centers
Two 30+ acre farms operationalized in Idudi & Kaberamaido
Five Immersion Trips & 77 travelers to Uganda.